If you would like to request a Special Meet at any American Poultry Association or American Bantam Association event, there must be a minimum of three (3) exhibitors which have agreed in writing to appear with their Araucanas. Once you have that, contact the Club President so the particulars can be arranged.
If you are planning on showing either a large fowl (APA) or bantam (ABA) Araucanas at a sanctioned event, remember to print a copy of the, ACA Show Report Form so that you can get ACA show points and then take it with you to the show you are exhibiting. ACA Exhibition Points Standings are posted online for all members to keep track of their points.
This is important as the ACA Show Report Form must be filled out by the Show Secretary if you want to start earning Araucana Club of America Show Points. You must send the original report to the the Club President for recording as well as update on the site’s list of show winners within 60 days after the show event. If you are a member of the ACA your win is also announced in the Club’s Blue Clucker as well as a picture of the winning bird (in living color).
- You should be very well grounded in the APA or ABA Standard of Perfection Varieties and Guidelines (SOP) so that you understand what it takes to compete. The APA has many articles not only on showing but also on the health of your bird.
- Our site also depicts show winners for the various approved colors. The best way to approach the SOP is to read it and look at the pictures so that it comes to life.
- After you have that down pat, go to a show without your bird. Just go to get an idea of what a show is about and ask a lot of questions, particularly of exhibitors. Not all shows have Araucana’s so call the show ahead of time or ask on the forum if that show will have Araucanas exhibited.
- Once there take pictures, introduce yourself and ask whatever questions come to mind. Tell them that you are a newcomer and what you want to be exhibiting. It is best to take a notepad with you as you will forget who you spoke with, and what you learned and opportunity does not typically knock twice.
- Review that particular event’s requirements. Many events are only open to state residents and have certain health certificates that they require as well.
- You need to know the show schedule. Both the APA and the ABA have show schedules on their websites as well as their show rules. You do not have to be an APA or ABA member to be an exhibitor in an APA or ABA show.
- Meet all the eligibility requirements and fill out the form before the deadline so that there is plenty of time for them to contact you if there are problems. Enclose the proper fees; almost all events take personal checks.