ACA Exhibition Point Standings

The ACA Exhibition point system was voted into practice summer of 2014.  The points shown do not include any APA or ABA points they have accumulated.   The intention of the ACA Exhibition point system is to encourage showing and have a fun way to track your success.

B = Black
W= White
GD= Golden Duckwing
BBR= Black Breasted Red
SD= Silver Duckwing
BL = Blue
AOV= All Other Varieties

Cynthia and Rob Smith361632917
Jenn Nashoba6644121
Steve Waters*915915
Rob Smith33
Lanae Cash35323
Vickie Schafer22
Lisa Helms84831
Colton Helms22
Nilia Green563026
Ann Horsman653926
Nancy Uterback826
Karen Linguori22
Dick Dickerson541
Jan Geis1919
Drexel Jordan29272
Kellye Shue574017
Emmye Shue915932
Hunter Hart1313
Turner Holland8452311225
Alexandria Canaan7331
Ashlea Ethridge11
Kendra Montgomery0

*Araucana Club Master Exhibitor